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Alaska and the #MeToo Movement

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

The Alaska Women's Leadership Forum (AWLF) was founded with one goal – support for women in Alaska. The AWLF Board has made it our mission to provide support, mentorship and hold events on diverse subjects designed to engage and empower women who want to grow and collaborate in a supportive environment.

Some topics, such as sexual assault, are difficult and painful to discuss. Recent tragic events in our state has brought the #MeToo movement back to the forefront. You do not have to be a part of the #MeToo movement to be inspired by the courage of the women who have shared their stories or to see the power of speaking out.

We believe the #MeToo Movement has brought Alaska women together in our stories and in our pain. As an AWLF member, you are a part of the AWLF network of support. Our solidarity, and the strength that comes from it, may help someone you know learn ways to keep themselves safe or even begin the healing process from sexual assault.

Everyone heals differently and there are resources to help survivors receive the support they need. We've listed a few of the many support systems available in our state:

  • The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, based in Juneau, provides services to victims of sexual assault, including 24-hour crisis hotlines, legal assistance, and counseling.

  • Anchorage-based STAR has a crisis intervention helpline that's available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are in Anchorage, the number is (907) 276-7273. The statewide number is (800) 478-8999. STAR also has guidance for supporting a survivor.

  • The State of Alaska's Department of Law offers information to understand the nature of sexual assault, tactics for prevention, and resources to help victims.

  • Safe and Fear Free Environment (SAFE), located in Dillingham, Alaska provides shelter, prevention, and advocacy for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.

  • The Tundra Women’s Coalition (TWC), is a 30-bed shelter, 24-hour crisis line, legal advocacy program and other resources for residents of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

  • Arctic Women in Crisis (AWIC), provides emergency shelter and counseling services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and provides a domestic violence education program, parenting classes and in school prevention education.

  • Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living provides programs addressing domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, suicide intervention, and crisis services for victims of other violent crimes in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and outlying areas.

  • Seaview Community Services Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program (DVSA), provides emergency crisis services, legal support and referrals for Seward, Cooper Landing, Moose Pass and Hope.

  • The LeeShore Center in Kenai provides services for domestic violence and sexual assault victims.

  • Advocates for Victims of Violence (AVV), provides emergency food and shelter for women and children and other services for the interior communities of Alaska.

  • Family Wellness Warriors Initiative (FWWI), supports individuals and organizations to effectively address the effects of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect.

We hope you will join us for our next event, Walking in the Grey, to discuss the #MeToo movement with the AWLF Board and guest panelists. We'll share best practices for addressing sexual harassment and talk about boundaries and healing. The date and location will be announced in January.

With Respect and Support,

Alaska Women's Leadership Forum

Board of Directors

“We believe that physical and sexual violence can and must be eradicated. This will happen when systems, communities, families, and individuals focus their collective skills and energy to challenge and change conditions that sustain violence and commit to the creation of a safe and just society.” Safe and Fear Free Enviromnent Vision Statement

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